Citroën Xantia

since 1993 release

Repair and operation of the car

Citroën Xantia
+ Introduction
+ Operation manual
+ Routine maintenance
+ Repair of the engine
+ Cooling systems, heating
+ Power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Uniform hydraulic system
- Brake system
   Pumping of hydraulic system
   Replacement of hoses and tubes of a hydraulic path of the brake system
   Replacement of blocks of disk brake mechanisms of forward wheels
   Replacement of blocks of disk brake mechanisms of back wheels
   Check of a state, removal and installation of brake disks
   Removal, capital repairs and installation of supports of disk brake mechanisms of forward wheels
   Removal, capital repairs and installation of supports of disk brake mechanisms of back wheels
   Removal, capital repairs and installation of the valve of management
   Removal and installation of a pedal of a foot brake
   The parking brake - general information and adjustments
   Removal and installation of a control lever of the parking brake
   Removal and installation of cables of the drive of the parking brake
   Removal and installation of the sensor switch of stoplights
   System of anti-blocking of brakes (ABS) - the general information
   Removal and installation of components of system of anti-blocking of brakes
+ Running gear and steering
+ Body and finishing of salon
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Schemes of electric equipment

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Removal and installation of cables of the drive of the parking brake

Scheme of the hummock drive of the parking brake

1 — Fastening to the brake mechanism
2 — the Equalizer
3 — the Lock-nut (20 Nanometers)
4 — the Adjusting nut

And — the Scheme of connection of a cable to the brake mechanism
In — the Scheme of connection of primary cable to the equalizer

The drive of the parking brake is carried out by means of three metal cables. Primary driving cable connects a control lever to assembly of the equalizer from which two separate cables go to executive levers of supports of brake mechanisms of forward wheels of the car (see the illustration Scheme of the Hummock Drive of the Parking Brake).

Primary cable

At assembly new rivets for fastening of the thermofilter will be required.

Details of fixture of the main thermofilter of the bottom of the car

And — Draft of the drive of gear shifting
In — the Bolt and a nut of fastening of draft of the drive of gear shifting
With — the Main thermofilter

D — Clamps of fastening of the main thermofilter
Е — the Small thermofilter

Detachment of secondary cables of the drive of the parking brake from assembly of the equalizer

And — Push-up of a tip of a cable in a cover
In — Release of the right cable (wring out a tip up)

With — Release of the left cable (wring out a tip down)

Components of the equalizer of the hummock drive of the parking brake

A — Nuts of a guide of primary cable
In — the Guide of primary cable
With — Assembly of primary cable

D — Nuts of fastening of the equalizer
Е — Assembly of the equalizer



1. The car also establish to Poddomkratta it on props. Remove forward wheels.
2. Weaken a lock-nut of fastening of a driving cable on a support of the brake mechanism. Afterwards give an adjusting/fixing nut and disconnect a cable from a support. Release a cable tip from the executive lever of the brake mechanism.
3. Under the car dismember spherical hinges of fastening of thirsts of the drive of gear shifting for the switching mechanism.
4. Remove a reception pipe of system of production of the fulfilled gases (see Systems of decrease in toxicity and production of the fulfilled gases).
5. Drill rivets and remove the small thermofilter of system of production of the fulfilled gases from the car bottom.
6. Give a nut, take a fixing bolt and disconnect draft of the drive of gear shifting from the switching lever basis (see an illustration of the Detail of fixture of the main thermofilter of the bottom of the car).
7. Remove the second small thermofilter.
8. Release clamps and remove from the car bottom the main thermofilter for the purpose of ensuring access to the equalizer of the hummock drive of the parking brake.
9. Grasp a tip of one of secondary driving cables and push the cable core in its cover, at the same time releasing a cable from assembly of the equalizer (see the illustration Detachment of Secondary Cables of the Drive of the Parking Brake from assembly of the equalizer). Repeat the procedure for the second cable.

For release from the equalizer of the right secondary cable of the drive of the parking brake its tip should be wrung out up. The tip of the left cable is released by push-up down.

10. It is enough to disconnect cables from the equalizer, - need for their release from guides is absent.
11. In interior of the car remove the central console (address the Head Kuzov and finishing of salon).
12. Completely release a control lever of the parking brake and disconnect from it primary driving cable.
13. Under the car give two nuts of fastening of a guide of primary cable to a floor, then release two nuts of fastening of assembly of the equalizer (see an illustration Components of the equalizer of the hummock drive of the parking brake).
14. Remove assembly of primary cable of the drive of the parking brake and take it from under the car.



1. Start assembly of primary cable on the regular place, then screw and tighten nuts of fastening of the equalizer.
2. Check a condition of the sealing laying established under a guide of primary cable, in case of need make replacement. Establish a guide and tighten nuts of its fastening.
3. Slightly grease with dense lubricant the site of a cable, adjacent to a tip, from the equalizer.
4. In interior of the car connect the second tip of a cable to a control lever of the parking brake, then install into place the central console (address the Head Kuzov and finishing of salon).
5. Now connect secondary cables to the equalizer. Pay attention that the right cable is equipped with a white emphasis of a cover and it is brought to the top opening in assembly whereas the emphasis of a cover of the equalizer of the left cable brought to the lower opening is painted in black color. At connection of cables act in the following order:
   a) Press a cable cover emphasis to the equalizer;
   b) Having grasped a cable tip from a support, push the core in a cover and bring its opposite end to the corresponding reception opening in the equalizer;
   c) Now extend a cable from a cover towards a support and make sure of correctness of its gearing in the equalizer.
6. Slightly grease with dense lubricant the end of a cable from a support and connect a tip to the executive lever of the brake mechanism. Having screwed an adjusting/fixing nut, fix a cable on a support. Rotation of a nut modify a tightness a cable and check adjustment of the drive of the parking brake (see. The parking brake - general information and adjustments).
7. Install into place the main thermofilter of the bottom of the car and fix it by new clamps.
8. Connect thirst of the drive of gear shifting for the switching lever basis, grease a fixing bolt, insert it on the regular place, then screw and tighten a fixing nut.
9. Install two small thermofilters, bigger of which fix by means of new rivets.
10. Establish reception section of system of production of the fulfilled gases (see Systems of decrease in toxicity and production of the fulfilled gases).
11. Slightly grease with dense lubricant three drafts of the choice of transfers and connect their hinges.
12. Establish wheels, lower the car on the earth and tighten wheel bolts with the required effort.

Secondary cables



1. The car also establish to Poddomkratta it on props. Remove forward wheels.
2. Try to remember routes of laying of cables under the car.
3. Delay the executive lever of the brake mechanism on the car back and release from it a tip of a secondary cable of the drive of the parking brake. Sometimes for release of a cable from the lever it is necessary to release a lock-nut of fastening of a cable on a support and to give an adjusting/fixing nut.
4. Moving along a cable, release it from the directing arms.
5. Having hooked, release a clamp of fastening of the left forward corner of the main thermofilter to the car bottom panel. Delay a screen corner down and push in the wooden whetstone of suitable thickness formed a gap, having provided thereby rather free access to the equalizer of the hummock drive.
6. Having pushed a hand under the screen, find a cable tip in assembly of the equalizer.
7. Grasp a cable tip from a support and push the core in a cover, at the same time releasing the opposite end of a cable from the equalizer (see the subsection "Primary Cables — Removal", item 10).
8. Take the disconnected cable from under the car.



1. If both secondary cables of the drive of the parking brake are removed from the car, they can be distinguished easily from each other on color of an emphasis of a cover from the equalizer. The emphasis of the right cable is painted in yellow color, left - in black. At the same time the right cable refuels in the top opening of the equalizer, and left - in lower.
2. Pass a cable throughout a gap between a stretcher of a suspension bracket and the steering mechanism.
3. Press a cable emphasis to assembly of the equalizer.
4. From a support push the cable core about a cover and fill an opposite tip in corresponding (top or lower) a reception opening of the equalizer.
5. Now extend the core from a cover from a support and make sure also reliability of fixing of a tip of the equalizer.
6. Trying not to wring out a tip, accurately latch a cable in the directing arms (track correctness of a route of laying).
7. Grease with dense lubricant the end of a cable from a support. Also grease guides.
8. Extract wooden whetstone from under a corner of the main thermofilter and fix the last by a new clamp.
9. Connect a cable tip to the executive lever of the brake mechanism, and screw an adjusting/fixing nut of fixing of a cable on a support. Rotation of a nut pull a cable, then check correctness of its adjustment (see. The parking brake - general information and adjustments).
10. Establish to the place of a wheel, lower the car on the earth and tighten wheel bolts with the required effort.

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