Citroën Xantia

since 1993 release

Repair and operation of the car

Citroën Xantia
+ Introduction
+ Operation manual
+ Routine maintenance
+ Repair of the engine
+ Cooling systems, heating
+ Power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
- Transmission
   + Manual box of gear shifting
   - Automatic transmission
      Adjustment of a driving cable of the choice of transfers of AT
      Removal and installation of a driving cable of the choice of transfers of AT
      Removal and installation of assembly of the lever of the selector of transfers
      Adjustment of a driving cable of inclusion of the kick-down mode
      Replacement of a driving cable of inclusion of the kick-down mode
      Removal and installation of the drive of a speedometer
      Replacement of epiploons
      Removal and installation of a cooler of ATF
      The sensor switch of permission of starts/fires of a backing - the general information, removal and installation
      Removal and AT installation
      Capital repairs of AT - the general information
+ Power shafts
+ Uniform hydraulic system
+ Brake system
+ Running gear and steering
+ Body and finishing of salon
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Schemes of electric equipment


Removal and AT installation

At assembly new bolts of fastening of the converter of rotation to a driving disk will be required.



1. Prop up antiretractable boots back wheels and transfer the selector lever to situation "N". A car front also establish to Poddomkratta it on props. Remove both forward wheels.
2. Merge from ATF transmission (address the Head Routine maintenance), then screw into place and strongly tighten drain traffic jams.
3. Open the gate of dumping of the regulator of pressure and transfer a control lever the provision of a suspension bracket to position of LOW (see the Head Uniform hydraulic system).
4. Remove a casing of the air cleaner and/or an inlet air duct (see the Head of the Power supply system and release).
5. Remove the tank of hydraulic liquid (see the Head Uniform hydraulic system).
6. Remove the battery with the pallet and a basic plate (see the Head Elektrooborudovaniye of the engine).
7. Remove a starter (see the Head Elektrooborudovaniye of the engine).
8. Remove the components installed at the left on a head of cylinders including the vacuum tank and the valve of stabilization of turns of idling.
9. At the corresponding complete set give fixing nuts and remove the hydraulic ABS modulator. Shift the modulator aside and remove an arm of its fastening.
10. Release from clamps on the forward party of the power unit the giving and returnable hydraulic tubes and disconnect them from the liquid pump (see the Head Uniform hydraulic system). At once to a zakuporta the open ends of tubes in order to avoid hit in system of dirt.
11. Otboltite the regulator of hydraulic pressure and the distributor of supply of hydraulic liquid from a forward part of the power unit also tie up them aside a wire, or lay on a prop. Disconnect all hydraulic tubes from transmission.
12. Give a nipple nut of fastening of the directing tube of the measuring probe to the transmission case pallet, turn out a bolt of fastening of a tube to a case of AT and pick up the phone.
13. Disconnect an electrical wiring from the sensor switch of permission of starts/fires of a backing and (at the corresponding complete set) from a speedometer drive casing. Give a fixing nut (i) / bolt(s) and disconnect the grounding tire(s) from a transmission case.
14. By means of clips or clamps press both ATF of a hose brought to a cooler. Weaken fixing collars and disconnect hoses from assembly of a cooler. Prepare for collecting the spilled cooling liquid. Rinse cold assembly of a cooler and the surfaces adjoining to it.
15. Turn out screws of fastening of a cover of a cable of the drive of gear shifting to the basic arm. Accurately disconnect a cable tip from the spherical hinge on the lever of the choice of transfers on transmission.

Do not allow change of position of the lever of the choice of transfers after a detachment of a driving cable! As an additional precautionary measure mark position of the lever concerning a transmission case. Moving along a cable back, release it from intermediate clamps and take aside from transmission.

16. Disconnect the core of a driving cable of inclusion of the kick-down mode from a throttle case cam, then weaken lock-nuts and release a cable cover from a basic arm. Release a cable from intermediate clamps and guides, having provided a possibility of free removal it together with transmission.
17. Turn out fixing bolts and remove a plate of the lower cover of a driving disk for the purpose of ensuring access to bolts of fastening of the converter of rotation. Turn out a bolt open for access, then turn a bent shaft for a bolt of its pulley, providing access to the following. Working in a similar manner, give all three bolts of fastening of the converter to a driving disk.
18. Fix the rotation converter in transmission by means of a metal strip, pribolchenny to one of openings for fastening of a starter.
19. Take a rubber fixing finger and disconnect a speedometer drive cable from driving assembly. Release a cable from intermediate clamps and guides. On the models equipped with the speed sensor disconnect the corresponding electrical wiring.
20. Remove power shafts (see the Head Power shafts).
21. Prop up the engine a jack (for the purpose of distribution of loading lay wooden whetstone between a head of a jack and the pallet of a case). Alternatively, hang out the engine by means of the winch or a cross beam.
22. Through wooden whetstone to a poddomkratta transmission.
23. Give the central nut of the left support of the power unit, remove a washer. Give two fixing nuts (do not forget about washers) and remove a rubber pillow of a support.
24. Remove the remote plug, then turn out a fixing hairpin of a support from a case of transmission and remove it together with a washer (in case of need use a special extractor for a hairpin reversing).
25. Having completely accepted transmission weight on a jack, turn out bolts of fastening of its case to the engine. Try to remember the adjusting provision of each of bolts and the arms fixed by them. Once again make sure that nothing prevents extraction of transmission.
26. Shift a jack to the left, removing transmission from the directing pins.
27. Lower a jack and take transmission from under the car. Take freely put directing pins and remove them to the reliable place.


Installation is made upside-down. Pay attention to the next moments:
   a) Make sure of serviceability of a condition of the aligning plug on a bent shaft. Slightly grease the central finger of the converter of rotation with lubricant like Molykote G1. Do not impose too much lubricant in order to avoid hit it on the rotation converter;
   b) Track that the directing pins were put in the nests;
   c) Before installation carefully clean a carving of bolted openings of fastening of the converter of rotation from old sealant, having banished them a tap - the damaged rounds will be in passing restored. As a last resort, instead of a tap the old bolt with the carving part which is sawn through lengthways can be used;
   d) Correctly having pressed transmission to the engine, screw fixing bolts and tighten them with the required effort, then remove the metal strip fixing the converter;
   e) Before installation grease a hairpin of the left support of the power unit with the fixing sealant. Tightening of a hairpin has to be made with the required effort;
   f) All other fixture also has to drag on according to requirements of Specifications;
   g) Do not forget to replace epiploons of power shafts (see. Manual box of gear shifting);
   h) Descriptions of procedures of adjustment of driving cables of gear shifting and inclusion of the kick-down mode are provided in the General information and precautionary measures and the Regulator of hydraulic pressure - general information, removal and installation;
   i) In conclusion fill in the necessary number of ATF of the required grade in transmission (address the Head Routine maintenance).

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